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Grounded in Hope

Live painting at Current for Women, Visalia CA, Radiant Church

When I do a live painting at an event my heart is in a state of contemplation and at the same time ablaze with ideas. Practicing creativity to me means tuning my heart and my mind to the inspiration of God, following His whims of inspiration, trusting His process to come naturally from my hands. While I have a measure of control, the end product is always a surprise to me.

This painting was one of the most spontaneous and daring I've done live. Attempting to replicate the human form is scary, as our minds pick up every nuance and proportion. I have not until now had the courage to try painting a body in a live setting where, if things go wrong, the disjoint image might be a distraction.

Living Hope has been the Current for Women theme for this year. It is also my prayer.

I want to stay open and vulnerable, grounded in the KNOWING that God is in and through all.

I want to live free, letting go of my "self"/ego and allowing the Spirit of God to flow.

I want to live in the lavish garden of God's kindness and abundance.

Artist's Note:

"Grounded in HOPE"

To be rooted in HOPE means to dance in the waiting; before the sun shines on our circumstances or we accomplish perfect maturity.

The freer the dance - the more vulnerable and open our posture toward this HOPE - the greater the exchange of our ego and self for the loving kindness of the Spirit of the Living God.

HOPE stems from joy and trust in our Father's character and a submission to His process.

With HOPE, our trials can burn off the dross of life, producing a flawless gold.

In HOPE, even among the thorns of life, beauty blossoms and life flourishes.


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