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Hello friends!

First things first, I want to send out a BIG, HUGE THANKS to those who bought my art the past couple of months! Your purchases have been an encouragement to me and my hope is that the pieces are lasting reminders of joy in your home. My paintings, (originals and prints), are always for sale on Etsy or you can email requests. :)

This month I thought I’d just pop in and remind us all that we humans get to choose to what and to whom we will give our attention. We have agency. We are in charge of their own selves in this arena. So let’s choose with intention and with wisdom the things will win our focus.

The whole world is shouting for our our attention, especially in this crazy moment in time. On all the sides and in between, and in all arenas that matter in life, there seem to be voices with facts and non-facts and alternate facts that seem to speak with authority and certainty, demanding that we pay them our attention. Guess what? Just a reminder - We are not obligated in any way. :) Phillipians 4:8 has some good advice….

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things.”

Give your attention and focus to the things you know YOU’VE been made for.

Today I choose to pay my attention to the people I’ve been given to love...

When my 12-year-old boy with chocolate-pudding eyes rambles about his projects, and games, and friends, and, and, and… I will choose to give him my full focus, knowing he’s got much to say before he becomes a teenager next month.

At coffee with girlfriends I will give my presence fully, not in a “relational points game” sort of way, but with genuine curiosity so that they know they’re free to be themselves.

Today I choose to give my full attention to the work of my hands...

I’ll give contemplation to songs I've written from my heart that have until now been neglected.

I’ll paint things I see in my dreams.

I’ll cook, and clean, and make home, giving my full attention to each task.

And those business-y things that make my heart race and hands sweat, I’ll set my mind on those things too.

When we choose to give our attention to the good and live fully present with those around us, we are walking in Love - walking in The Spirit - walking in The Light.

Just a reminder...

We’re not obligated to give our focus to anything else.

- Sarah

Paintings of Late

As I mentioned above, I’ve been writing songs and painting dreams.

One of the songs I’ve been working on, in conjunction with my friend Angela Pinkston, is called “Wild and Free”. Much of it is a compilation of lines from favorite poems by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Henry David Thoreau. Poster fashion seemed appropriate for these paintings inspired by the song…“All Good Things Are Wild and Free”, Etsy

Upcoming in the “Wild and Free” Series…

“To Live Is to Be Slowly Born”

“To Love is to Be Wholly Known”

“Awake, My Soul, to This Wild, Wild Wonder”

“This Treasure, Found in a Vapor”….etc.

On talk of dreams…

My dreams have been full of doorways, lately - beautiful doorways with unknown mystery and adventure beyond their gates. Paintings in process…


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